The House of Talent is a unique, original concept developed by GE Hunter to keep up with the most talented candidates to activate their driving power. It rests on working closely and proactively with talented individuals. We offer them guidance on the road to self-development and help them find a dream job or challenge their professional status.
The concept consists of three steps. In the first step, the GE Hunter expert assesses the candidate to help discover one’s strengths and weaknesses. It takes a series of interviews.
GE Hunter experts get to know the candidate, trying to discover what type of organizational culture he or she will fit, letting talents thrive and achieve the next levels of leadership.
The candidates have an opportunity to see their professional future in terms of further development, determining goals, and understanding their motivations. All those factors compose the driving power of the candidate, the assets he or she can offer to the employer.
In the next steps, we sketch a plan of action and start a broad, proactive campaign to support the candidate in all types of job searching activities: upgrading the curriculum, screening the market for opportunities, and finally presenting candidates to possible, well-considered employers, tailored to candidate’s needs.
House of Talents – stages:
1. Assessment
At this stage, we help candidates discover their strengths and weaknesses, and we show them how they will develop on the way to success.
Assessments and strategy planning an active dream job search are made during the series of interview sessions.
2. Coaching and mentorship
GE Hunter experts stay in touch with the talent to help keep the career on the right track. We support the candidates in their process of self-development and thinking of future aspirations. It includes working on the following issues:
- Preparing the professional CV that reflects and highlights the candidates achievements on the career ladder up to date
- Preparation for interviews, in general, and in particular (in the recruitment process)
- Delivering market updates concerning interesting positions and companies in various countries
- Providing market salary feedback
- Providing information about the chosen company culture (matching and checking)
- Stay in touch and thus becoming a coach for the candidate on the long journey
3. Career plans and guidelines
With solid background professionally prepared on the previous stages, the candidate is ready to move forward immediately or planning his/her long-term career. But GE Hunter provides further assistance in executing the dream-job search activities when a candidate has long-distance plans. Our help covers:
- Mentoring and supporting the perception of the talents themselves and future choices
- Planning career steps through continuous brainstorming, challenging the status quo, and shifting from the thinking mood into action mode with the plan of activating driving power
- Based on the agreed and tailored strategy plan, presenting to clients through the House of Talent introduction to companies
Welcome to the House of Talent!
House of Talent helps to understand the real abilities of the candidates. It allows us to match people with perfect positions, making the most of their connection. We know that the right candidate, with his or her experience and attitude, will fill the gap in the company, adding real value by delivering a new driving power to the organization and people around.